Saturday, September 7, 2013

3:30am Day of Departure Dilemma

OK...I'm wide awake and thinking about schlepping 4 small suitcases (albeit they do have wheels) around Europe!  What is that famous phrase?  Oh yeah, "pack your suitcase, then remove half of what you packed".  Realizing that I was adding stuff last night just to fill up the 2nd suitcase, I dragged myself out of bed and began to unpack.  It worked!  Travel iron?  GONE. Raincoat? GONE (replaced with small umbrella).  Wow, this really works!  Voila (or whatever it is in German).  Got rid of a whole suitcase.  Now let's see if I can get back to sl...zzzzzz

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pre-departure Panic

ok, what was I taking again?  Oh, and now it's supposed to rain in Stuttgart for the next 7 days, so I'd better change everything I packed.  We got these cool bags that are, rolling-with-handle/backpack/duffelbag all in one!  We are ready for anything...